LCP measures when the largest content element in the viewport is rendered to the screen. This approximates when the main content of the page is visible to users. See Largest Contentful Paint defined for more details on how LCP is determined.

LCP measures when the largest content element in the viewport is rendered to the screen. This approximates when the main content of the page is visible to users. See Largest Contentful Paint defined for more details on how LCP is determined.

LCP measures when the largest content element in the viewport is rendered to the screen. This approximates when the main content of the page is visible to users. See Largest Contentful Paint defined for more details on how LCP is determined.

LCP measures when the largest content element in the viewport is rendered to the screen. This approximates when the main content of the page is visible to users. See Largest Contentful Paint defined for more details on how LCP is determined.

LCP measures when the largest content element in the viewport is rendered to the screen. This approximates when the main content of the page is visible to users. See Largest Contentful Paint defined for more details on how LCP is determined.

LCP measures when the largest content element in the viewport is rendered to the screen. This approximates when the main content of the page is visible to users. See Largest Contentful Paint defined for more details on how LCP is determined.



圖片來源: Freepik


近半年,本港可謂進入了「經濟寒冬」,和往年同期相比,上半年的零售業總銷貨價值下滑了 2.6%,而7月的零售數字更下跌了足足11.4%。香港零售協會更預計全年整體銷售額會出現負增長,經濟前景充滿了不確定性。








圖片來源:Photo by Matthew Henry from Burst




圖片來源:Photo by Matthew Henry from Burst





想開創網店又無從入手?何不找 Posify 幫手?


PosifyRetail 可以為零售商提供甚麼好處呢? PosifyRetail 是亞洲首個真正無縫整合的O2O新零售雲端平台,專門為一些中小企零售商提供最有效而經濟的零售管理方案,讓企業能夠享受數碼科技的便利好處,同時為企業提高效率,增強生產力,顛覆營利能力。



PosifyRetail 提供一站式、端對端的軟件即服務平台 (Saas Platform),其全面的八大功能涵蓋了前端的客戶體驗到後端的操作管理及分析,滿足中小企將業務數碼化的所有需要。


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