Facebook Business Extension

Helps you to Showcase Your Product for FREE

Sync your online store to your Facebook shop

Synchronize Your Online Shop and Facebook shop


By using Ad Extension Function in the Facebook Business Extension, you can create Facebook Pixel and Facebook Shop with one click only. Your product catalogue will be uploaded to your Facebook shop automatically within 24 hours and to showcase your products to Facebook users for free.

You can also reach your target customers more easily by making use of the Facebook product ads and understand the sales effectiveness brought by the ads.

Allow Customers to interact with you through Facebook Messenger


Facebook Messenger Customer Chat Plugin in the Business Extension allows customers to contact you instantly or leave messages through Facebook Messenger at your online shop and hence enhance the customer experience.

FB Messenger interacts with you
Open up the Facebook sales channel

Opening up the Facebook Sales Channel
By Connecting with 2.5 Billion Global Active Users

FB store

✓ Manage your Online Shop & FB Shop Simultaneously

You can save your time by importing all your product information from your shop to Facebook shop with just one click.

FB merchandise advertising

✓ Quickly Set up FB Product Ads

As the product categories, descriptionsand prices in the catalogue will be auto-attached in the ads, thus you can easily create the Facebook product ads without resetting the product information.

Increase sales conversions

  Increase Sales Conversion

The checkout button in Facebook shop allows customers to contact your customer services easily or proceed to
payment at your online shop hence facilitate the transaction.

How to Start Using Facebook Business Extension?

If you are Posify merchants including the members of Online/O2O/Enterprise Package, you can install and use Facebook Business Extension for FREE.

Should you have any queries, please call 2477 6099 or fill in the table below and get in touch with our specialists.

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